Microbiome Medics

Cancer and the Gut Microbiome Part 3: Revolutionizing Cancer Outcomes through Gut Microbiome Research

Season 1 Episode 9

In this 3rd & final episode Dr Sheena & Dr Shiv get to chat to Professor Robert Thomas , a full time NHS Consultant Oncologist, Sorts and Nutrition scientist and active medical researcher who explains why he thinks the gut microbiome and gut health are key to cancer prevention, response cancer therapies and survivorship.

They discuss diet, research and patient empowerment. It seems that small, simple , achievable dietary and behaviour changes really can improve outcomes , overall wellbeing and survivorship. 

Professor Thomas Bio
Professor Robert Thomas is a full time NHS Consultant Oncologist at Bedford and Addenbrooke's Hospitals, a teacher at Cambridge University and visiting Professor of Sports and nutritional science at the University of Bedfordshire. He trained at the Royal Marsden Hospital had period of full-time laboratory and clinical research at the Institute of Cancer and Duke University, North Carolina. He now manages patients with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormones and biological targeted treatments but incorporates nutritional and lifestyle strategies to enhance their effect, reduce side effects and improve overall wellbeing.

He is also head of a Lifestyle and Cancer Research Unit which designs and conducts government backed studies evaluating the impact of exercise, diet and natural therapies on cancer, other chronic diseases and more recently recovery from Covid-19. In collaboration with Universities in Southern California, Cambridge and Glasgow, this unit has published over 100 peer reviewed scientific papers and regularly presents studies across the World. He is a patron of two cancer support charities and advises
Macmillan and other support groups on their informal materials for patients.

He previously led the UK Polybalm and Pomi-T randomised studies and currently leads the UK's covid-19 nutritional intervention study (The Phyto-V study) assessing whether prebiotic polyphenol rich foods plus a probiotic could lower the severity and duration of symptoms.

He is author of the UK bestseller "How to Live" and has been awarded The British Oncology Association “Oncologist of the Year” and The Royal College of Radiologist Research Medal.

Twitter: @cancernetUK
Facebook: @cancernetUK

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