Microbiome Medics

Microbiotoxicity: Bridging the Gap Between Microbiome Research and Clinical Practice with Dr Anastasia Theodosiou

October 11, 2023 Konijn Podcasts / British Society of Lifestyle Medicine Season 1 Episode 10

In this podcast episode, Dr Sheena Fraser and Dr Siobhan Mccormack (aka Microbiome Medics) discuss the significant impact of antibiotics on the gut microbiome. They are joined by  an expert in this area Dr Anastasia Theodosiou , who is both a Microbiome Scientist and a  Registar in Microbiology & Infectious Disease.

Dr  Anastasia introduces her  novel term Microbiotoxicity which can be used to  explain and  predict the effects of antibiotics on human  microbiomes. The discussion also covers other drugs like proton pump inhibitors and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) which can also perturb the gut microbiome. Listeners will gain insights into the recovery timeline of  the gut  microbiome after antibiotic exposure and the implications of gut microbiome disruptors like Caesarian section delivery and neonatal formula feeding  on both gut health and other health outcomes across the lifespan . This episode highlights the importance considering the impact of medications on the gut microbiome and how we might start to bridge the gap between microbiome research and clinical practice.

Dr Anastasia (Tash) Theodosiou is an MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow (University of Southampton) and an Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology Registrar. Her research involves the use of controlled human infection to study microbiome development in early life, including the world’s first respiratory human challenge study in pregnancy.


Theodosiou AA, Jones CE, Read RC, Bogaert D. Microbiotoxicity: antibiotic usage and its unintended harm to the microbiome. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2023;36(5):371-378. doi:10.1097/QCO.0000000000000945 https://www.hellomicro.org/post/microbiome-microbiotoxicity https://www.nbmedical.com/blog/microbiotoxicity

This podcast is brought to you in collaboration with the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine.

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